Green Schools

Green-Schools is Ireland’s leading environmental management and education programme for schools.
Promoting long-term, whole-school action for the environment Green-Schools is a student-led programme with involvement from the wider community. The programme is operated and co-ordinated by the Environmental Education Unit of An Taisce (FEE member for Ireland).
Green-Schools is operated in partnership with Local Authorities and is supported by the Department of Housing, Planning, Community & Local Government; Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment; Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport; The Department of Arts, Heritage Regional, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs; Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.
Our Green Schools Board
This is our Green School's Board which is updated regularly. It includes photos of our action day, our Green Code as well as all the latest news

Our Recent Project:
The 3rd and 4th Class Green Schools Committee recently took part in a GLOBE Ireland project to check the surface temperature of a number of areas in our yard. They shared this information with schools in Malta and Israel. It was very exciting for all involved. Here are some pictures taken during one of the webinars.

The Gardening Committee
We have a newly appointed Gardening Committee in the school. Children from Juniors to Sixth Class are involved in this. They have been clearing the weeds from the garden and have started sowing some flowers which will bloom in the summer months. Here are a few pictures of the committee hard at work.

Past Events
Active Schools
Active School Week

The Department of Education and Skills and Healthy Ireland encourage ALL schools to organise an Active School Week (ASW) as part of their annual school calendar.
The Active School Week initiative is about providing FUN and INCLUSIVE physical activity opportunities for ALL members of the school community. It allows schools to reinforce the message that not only is physical activity good for you but it also very enjoyable. It provides schools with an excellent opportunity to raise awareness about the physical activity opportunities that are available in their locality and to work collaboratively with students, parents and members of the community.
Active Schools Committee
Each year an active committee is established with a mixture or students and teachers to organize and encourage participation in various activities throughout the year.
At the end of the academic school year and in conjunction with Active Schools Week the committee organize a variety of activities and events through that week.

Active Schools Committee '18 -'19
Recent Events
World Book Day

we are delighted to celebrate World Book Day each year on Thursday 5th March 2020. Over the last 23 years, World Book Day has become firmly established as Ireland’s biggest annual event promoting the enjoyment of books and reading. The main aim is to encourage children to explore the pleasure of books and reading by providing them with an opportunity to have a book of their own. This may sound like a very simple idea, but unfortunately, many children do not have access to books in their homes.
Recent Events
Grandparents Day

Grandparents Day is celebrated on the Wednesday of Catholic Schools Week. An initiative we cherish and value on so many levels. When possible we gather together to celebrate a mass for Grandparents. The children wait in anticipation for the time they can share in class with their special guests. The children may recite poems, sing songs, play games, ask questions and present artwork to the visitors. We value greatly what we can learn from the grandparents and we listen with great interest and awe to the life experiences and stories they share with us on the day. The day concludes with refreshments organised and coordinated by the parents.
Science Week
Science Week Ireland is an annual week-long event in Ireland each November, celebrating science in our everyday lives. Science Week is an initiative of Science Foundation Ireland. It is the largest science festival in the country, engaging tens of thousands of members of the general public in workshops, science shows, talks, laboratory demonstrations, science walks and other science-related events.Science Week is a collaboration of events involving industry, colleges, schools, libraries, teachers, researchers and students throughout Ireland.

Creative Schools
Some of the Creative School's Committee pictured next an art piece called the European Otter created by Amber Broughton. The artwork was given to the school on loan by the Glucksman Art Centre.
The Creative School's Programme is a two year programme funded and coordinated by the Arts Council and is endorsed by the Department of Education and Skills. Scoil Réalt na Mara NS were approved for the programme in August 2021. Maev O'Shea from the Everyman Theatre was appointed our Creative Associate and a Creative School's Committee was established. We sent questionnaires to the BOM, Parents, Pupils and Staff to ascertain creative goals, opportunities and experiences for the school community. Our creativity as a school community has been unleashed and we have engaged in novel activities but aspire that many of the initiatives engaged in and contacts made will be embedded in school culture and life moving forward.